CNS provides research and development in data analysis and visualization, and design of tools and online services as detailed below. Our prices are highly competitive but depend on the type and scope of the work. Please contact us to request an estimate.

Evaluation & Monitoring
Analysis and documentation of NSF Science & Technology Center or NIH Clinical & Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Research Center. Relevant data must be provided.

Data Compilation
Construction of a custom data set (e.g., all papers, patents, grants for a certain institution or area of research) using the Scholarly Database

Interactive Displays
Design and development of a custom interactive touch-screen
or web-based data visualization. Relevant data must be
See examples here

Training & Consulting
We provide training on advanced
data mining and
visualization tools that features exemplary analyses
of client data.
Click here for sample slides

Visual Interfaces to Community Data
Setting up an online interactive interface similar to MAPSustain . Relevant data must be provided.

VIVO Researcher Networking
Design and implementation of interactive custom VIVO
More info on VIVO
Map of science visualization

Digital Wall Displays
We provide slides of the full set of Places & Spaces
Exhibit, customized to client specifications for display on
any size digital media wall.
See an example here

Science Map Posters
30" x 24" Places & Spaces exhibit maps are available for purchase. Choose from Matte OR Glossy Inkjet, Glossy Premium Archival Ink, or Framed Laminated Foam Core