IU Courses

S637 Information Visualization

The visual representation of information requires a deep understanding of human perceptual and cognitive capabilities, computer graphics, interface and interaction design, as well as creativity.

Information - such as log files reporting access of webpages or paper-citation network data - is typically non-spatial or abstract and needs to be mapped into a physical space that will represent relationships contained in the information faithfully and efficiently. If done successfully, visualizations can provide a very intuitive and efficient "interface between two powerful information processing systems - the human mind andthe modern computer" (Gershom et al., 1998)

This course provides an overview about the state of the art in the emerging field of information visualization. It will highlight the process of producing effective visualizations that take the needs of users into account and illustrate practical visualization procedures.

Z601: Readings in Library and Information Science

Readings and study in any area of library or information science having an extensive literature. A student may enroll for this course twice in the same semester under different instructors. Normally S601 is completed under the direction of a full-time faculty member. Readings done under S601 shall not duplicate the content of any course now in the curriculum of the School of Informatics and Computing.

S604/L597 Structural Data Mining and Modeling

This course introduces students to major methods, theories, and applications of structural data mining and modeling. It covers elementary graph theory and matrix algebra, data collection, structural data mining, data modeling, and applications.

Students will learn how to frame the research question, collect the data, run the analysis, and interpret the results. In addition, they will learn how to design and evaluate descriptive and predictive models of diverse complex networks to improve their understanding of the underlying principles.

Upon taking this course students will be able to analyze and describe real networks (power grids, WWW, social networks, etc.) as well as relevant phenomena such as disease propagation, search, organizational performance, social power, and the diffusion of innovations.

L578 User Interface Design for Information Systems

The explosion of digitally available information is driving the need for more effective, efficient, and natural user interfaces to intelligently support access to information, applications, and people. This course provides an overview about the state of the art in text based, 2-dimensional, and 3-dimensional (collaborative) interface design. It will cover task and user analysis, interface goals & interface design methods, empirical evaluation, and conclude with a discussion of remaining fundamental issues in the field.

Students will be expected to do readings, provide a presentation on specific readings, and participate in discussion. They will extensively use web design tools (e.g., Fireworks), Javascript, and a 3D Virtual Reality Chat & Design Tool to build a number of highly interactive user interfaces in diverse projects. Students will conduct task and requirement analysis, learn basic interface design principles using JavaScript and 3-D technology through application, and design, develop, implement, and evaluate collaborative 2-D and 3-D environments.

L542 Introduction to Human Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction, or HCI, tries to extend our understanding of what it means to interact with computers and how to use this knowledge to improve the design and evaluation of products. This course will examine human performance, aspects of technology, methods, techniques, and evaluation of interface design, as well as societal impact.

Students will be expected to do weekly readings, provide a presentation on specific readings, and participate in discussion. Extensive use will be made of web design tools to build a number of user interfaces. Students will conduct formal software evaluations and usability tests and present the results to the class. The course will be of particular interest for students interested in the development and testing of effective and efficient computer interfaces.

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